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SmartLIK will be implemented through the sequence of four distinct sub-projects with individual Work Packages (WPs) with a total duration of 14 months (estimated start March 2023 – end April 2024) and the participation of all partners.

SUB-PROJECT 1: Supply and installation of digital water meters and telemetry systems (M1-M12, Responsible Body: Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Heraklion)

The supply and installation of the 5600 digital water meters included in the closed network of DEVAH in the old city of Heraklion (Picture) as well as the related telemetry systems, will be implemented through the following Work Packages which also include the project management activities by the Municipal Enterprise Heraklion Water and Sewerage.

WP1. Supply and installation of digital hydrometers and telemetry (M1-M12).

WP2. Management and progress reports (M1-M12).

Depiction of the water network to be studied in the Old Town of Heraklion.

SUB-PROJECT 2: Supply and installation of a water quality and quantity monitoring system (M1-M6, Responsible Body: Development Organization of Crete S.A.)

Simultaneously with the implementation of the installation of the network of digital water meters by the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Heraklion, the Development Organization of Crete S.A. (as the exclusive manager of the specific network) will implement the supply and installation of digital flowmeters and multiparametric instruments to monitor the quality of water in the central supply pipe to the main water supply tank D3a of the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Heraklion, in order to complete the possibility of full control of the water network to be studied. System data will be recorded and sent to be managed by SmartLIK.

WP3. Supply and installation of a water quality and quantity monitoring system (M1-M6).

SUB-PROJECT 3: Implementation of an integrated intelligent water supply network management system (M1-M14, Responsible Body: Technical University of Crete)

The installation, testing and implementation of the SmartLIK intelligent management system in the network of the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Heraklion will be implemented through the following Work Packages.

WP4. Implementation of digital visualization of water supply network topology and technical characteristics (M1-M6).

WP5. Implementation of a digital twin water supply network (M2-M12)

WP6. Implementation of a system of intelligent management, leak detection and monitoring of the water supply network (M3-M14)

WP7. Valuation of energy consumption and determination of equivalent green technologies (M11-M14)

WP8. Evaluation of the actual operation of an integrated intelligent water supply network management system – Compilation of a Strategic Sustainability Report (M11-M14)

SUB-PROJECT 4: Communication Plan (M1-M14, Responsible Body: Crete Development Organization S.A.)

The specific Sub-Project concerns the communication and publicity actions of the project and will be implemented through the following Work Packages.

WP9. Construction of a website and creation of informative material (M1-M14)

WP10. Training, information and dissemination activities (M1-M14)

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